Sunday, July 18, 2010

It's Official - Bob's dreams have come true and they are off to Norway!

You are hereby called to serve as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Bob and Debbie have requested that I set up a blog for them, so that they may keep you all informed of their work in Norway over the next 18 months. I feel fortunate to write their first entry, and wish them luck on the journey ahead.

Dedicated, stalwart, resolute, committed, steadfast, unwavering, and valiant are just a few adjectives I would use to describe Bob and Debbie’s relationship with God and The Church. And so, it comes as no surprise to us, that at a time when many couples would bask in the life of leisure and security, Bob and Debbie are putting everything aside to serve the Lord and His children in the Oslo Norway Mission. Make no mistake, their sacrifice is not simple, it is not small, it is not insignificant. The following is a quick paraphrase of just a few of the things they will leave behind; Tom, Caralee, Jon, Lindsay, Brody, Brooklyn, Gracie, Elle, and Redd – Their children and grandchildren that will miss them more than words can even describe…(tear)…Family, friends, the ward family, running without 5 layers on, shopping (Debbie, you know what I’m talking about!), tennis, Burton Lumber (although I think they might miss Bob more than he’ll miss them ;) ) Susan LeDuc, St. George, helping clients find healing, sunshine, Costa Rica, lunch dates with friends, babysitting, the hair salon, tennis, lunch with friends, tennis, talking on the phone, tennis ( you get the picture), and seeing friendly faces everywhere they go.

They do as the Lord has requested, and “leave behind all personal affairs.” But the Lord asks nothing of us without a much greater reward. So within the mission call itself, comes the promise of “an increased knowledge and testimony of the Restoration and of the truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ…greater blessings and more happiness than you have yet experienced.”

While it’s hard for me to imagine greater happiness than sitting on the beach sipping a virgin pina colada, you show us the faith and follow in His footsteps, and someday your children and grandchildren will follow in yours. Thanks for your ever present example, your service, and your love. You will be greatly missed, you are always loved, and your legacy continues on.

"He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose" -- Jim Elliot

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