Thursday, January 27, 2011

Since our last blog entry over 3 months ago, a lot has happened in Norway. Baptisms here for 2010 were more than double those of 2 years ago. Activity level among the new converts is significantly higher than the average in Europe. The young missionaries are dedicated and work hard. We continue to enjoy teaching Institute, mentoring the youth, coordinating family home evenings for the young single adults, reactivating, speaking in church and at baptisms and teaching with the young missionaries. We could tell several inspirational stories but suffice it to say that the Lord's Hand is certainly involved in the missionary work in Norway.

In late October we attended a conference in Stavanger where a new District was organized. Stavanger is a quaint, yet modern city on Norway's West Coast. A few photos of Stavanger will be posted soon.

Christmas in Norway was quite a celebration. We spent time with friends on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and the day after Christmas. There are several rather unique Norwegian Christmas traditions. Also, the fireworks display in Olso on New Year's Eve was unbelievable. Fireworks were shooting off around the Olso fjord in at least 100 different places. We have never seen anything quite like it. From the balcony of our apartment, we had a terrific view.

Winter in Norway is not as bad as many may think. Actually there have been several days here when the temperatures were no worse than Salt Lake. Air quality is much better. The darkness is perhaps the hardest part of winter. At its worst, the sun would come up about 10 a.m. and set about 3 p.m. However, the days are now getting noticably longer. Winter is still here but will soon be replaced by a beautiful Norwegian spring. But, in the meantime, winter is also very scenic. A few photos of Norway in winter will be posted very soon.

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